
During this Thanksgiving week, I am reminded of important Favorite things for which I am ever so THANKFUL:
Faith- We are strengthened by our faith which instills hope, grows joy and moves mountains. Say a prayer for all to find peace and faith this holiday.
Family & Friends- Time with our loved ones should never be taken for granted. Cherish today which is a gift to be together. Tell someone you love them with a hug.
Feeling Great- Many thanks for being healthy in heart, body, mind and spirit. Make a pie for a neighbor who is home bound, in pain or lonely, letting them know you care.
Freedom- Let's remember those who lived before us who made America free and to those who fight for freedom around the world today. We honor your efforts today and always. Thank a veteran soldier today.
Food- How blessed we are to have a table filled with a bounty of yummy choices in a world full of hungry people. Drop off canned goods at your local foodbank or firehouse.
Fishing- Be thankful for the beautiful Texas coast and Coastal Conservation. Take your husband (and children) fishing.