Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Mrs. Rockport-Fulton Thanks True Heroes: Rockport Volunteer Fire/Rescue Department

What a wonderful year-end visit with Rockport's Finest: The Volunteer Fire/Rescue Department! Established in 1885, this department of heroic men and women today still protects our community and services a countywide area of 30,000 citizens with pride and professionalism.
Importantly, these 50 employees are NOT paid, they work as volunteers; of their own choice and are passionate about what they do. This saves the City of Rockport and Aransas County millions of dollars per year. When these brave people aren't volunteering, they are husbands, fathers, mothers, sisters, daughters, and friends with other careers and interests. We can't thank them enough for their service.
Chief Albert Howie and Assistant Chief and Aransas County Constable Doc Thomas made me feel welcome as I learned more about the Department. My tour was arranged and conducted by Firefighter and Instructor, #185 Edward Welch, who has been fighting fires since the 1980's and a leader in the force for the last 4 1/2 years.
Training is an integral part of keeping the force at optimal operating ability. In fact, much of the training takes place at the RVFD Fire Training Academy. While I was there, the Officers were conducting a training class on CPR, First Aid, and training with defibrillators.
The Rockport Volunteer Fire Department is extremely busy, averaging approximately 50 calls per month; over 500 for 2009. These rescue responses using 14 trucks include but are not limited to: car accidents, brush fires, gas spills, power line outages, bomb threats, pesky bees, air crashes, and area lock downs. They assist local and state law enforcement with a powerful "jaws of life" in a collaborative effort.
Over 4,000 people die annually from fires; therefore it is important that we all develop fire safety plans for ourselves and our families. Every home should have at least one working fire alarm. Changing your batteries in the fire alarms and making sure they are functional is key: doubling your chance for survival in a fire. For more information on fire safety:
Chief Howie emphasized the fact that they are always hiring and training anyone interested in joining the force. Prospective firefighters should come to the Main Fire House on Thursday Nights at 7:30pm. Also, please learn more about the RVFD at
I may join the RVFD just to get the World Famous BBQ recipe!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Successful Rockport Health Fair Uncovers Skin Cancers

The Cherish Your Skin Health Fair and Skin Cancer Screening was a fantastic success!

Thanks to over 20 Coastal Area Health-related businesses which participated on the Tropical Christmas Weekend.

Over 300 people attended and received important health screenings and information. The event included an American Academy of Dermatology sponsored skin cancer screening by volunteer physicians and nurse practitioners.
Importantly, 75 people were screened with 5 needing immediate referral for surgery or biopsy. Many thanks to AAD member and volunteer, Dr. Suneel Chilukuri, from Bellaire Dermatology Associates, who drove from Houston in the unexpected icy snow. His dedication to skin cancer awareness and prevention through philanthropic outreach is greatly appreciated.
The partnership with Nurse Practitioner, Margaret Von Heuvel and the Rockport Rejuvenative Clinic was vital to the overall success of the Health Fair and Screening. Many thanks to Margaret, Darlene and Alex! Thanks are also in order for Dr. Michael Lovoi, Internist from Corpus Christi, who took time out of his busy schedule to screen patients for skin cancer!
We appreciate the following businesses and couldn't have done it without you!:

Rockport Rejuvenative Clinic, CYSO, Avon, MILA by Lifemax, Astrum Hearing By Sears, Regency Nursing Homes, AIM Hospice, Adult Day Care Center, GSM Insurors, Hypnosis for a Positive Change, Sea Crest Home Health, Chocolates and AirFlight, Penninsula Physical Therapy, and Radiology Associates.
Thanks to the GREAT businesses who donated food and drinks: Arandas Mexican Grille, The Daily Grind, Dairy Queen, M&M MedSpa, Rockport Bakery, & Vie's Ocean Nails.

A special thank you to Liz Welch who coordinated yummy baked good donated by our lovely neighbors at Heron's Roost!

Many thanks to our special friend and Chauffeur, Hill Hooks, who, along with Frosty The Snowman, escorted Mrs. Rockport-Fulton during the Lighted Night Parade in an illuminated Salsa Red VW Bug. Also, thank you to our MC and friend who donated his talents and holiday music at the Health Fair, Bill Dammann, The Ramblin' Man!

We are excited to continue the CYSO and RRC community awareness events in 2010 with our first Health Fair to include emphasis on Diabetes, as well as Skin Cancer. Look for dates to come soon in The Rockport Pilot.

Happy Holidays and Hugs to ALL! You made our efforts worthwhile!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Give Thanks

During this Thanksgiving week, I am reminded of important Favorite things for which I am ever so THANKFUL:

Faith- We are strengthened by our faith which instills hope, grows joy and moves mountains. Say a prayer for all to find peace and faith this holiday.

Family & Friends- Time with our loved ones should never be taken for granted. Cherish today which is a gift to be together. Tell someone you love them with a hug.

Feeling Great- Many thanks for being healthy in heart, body, mind and spirit. Make a pie for a neighbor who is home bound, in pain or lonely, letting them know you care.

Freedom- Let's remember those who lived before us who made America free and to those who fight for freedom around the world today. We honor your efforts today and always. Thank a veteran soldier today.

Food- How blessed we are to have a table filled with a bounty of yummy choices in a world full of hungry people. Drop off canned goods at your local foodbank or firehouse.

Fishing- Be thankful for the beautiful Texas coast and Coastal Conservation. Take your husband (and children) fishing.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mrs. Rockport-Fulton 2010 organizes Health Fair

Press Release

FREE Health Fair and Skin Cancer Screening

Saturday, December 5th, 2009. 8am-12n,

Paws & Taws Conference Center, Fulton Harbor

Rockport, TX: For Immediate Release, Nov. 15, 2009. 8pm CST

Mrs. Rockport-Fulton International 2010, Jenifer Kuykendall and Rockport Rejuvenative Clinic will co-host Health Fair and Skin Cancer Screening at Paws & Taws Convention Center on Saturday, December 5th 2009 from 8a-12n.

Coastal Bend Community Health-related businesses will provide information, health tips and various health screenings. The American Academy of Dermatology will sponsor the event with volunteer physicians and nurse practitioners conducting skin screenings. Area Sponsors include Rockport Bakery, Arandas Mexican Grill, Dairy Queen, The Daily Grind, and GSM Insurors. The Ramblin' Man will provide Holiday Music. Doorprizes will be given away every 15 minutes.

Jenifer Kuykendall is a wife, mother of three, survivor of Malignant Melanoma and Advocate of Skin Cancer Prevention through Educational Outreach and Screenings. Founder of Cherish Your Skin Organization, her goals are to Heighten Awareness and Prevent Skin Cancer. She will represent Rockport-Fulton at the Mrs. Texas International Pageant in March 2010.

Margaret Von Heuvel, Board Certified Geriatric Nurse Practitioner and Advanced Diabetes Manager, is Director of the Rockport Rejuvenative Clinic. Her goal is to foster a proactive relationship among our residents and with the local businesses who work as a team. Her vision is to create a community that is empowered with knowledge about their healthcare choices.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Skin Cancer & Dogs: An Enemy to Man's Best Friend

Have you seen a dog in the summer sun and wondered how he can stand the heat with his fur coat? Yes, that is a concern, but another enemy of our four-legged friend is SKIN CANCER. We expect that since their skin is covered, it would be protected from the sun, right?

Unfortunately, DOGS GET SKIN CANCER, too. Remember that their wet noses, bellys, and pads of feet are particularly vulnerable to sun exposure. Dogs with light colored or thinning coats also have a higher chance for developing cancer.
Skin tumors, many of which can be cancerous, are the most common tumors in dogs.

Dogs develop three different types of skin cancer: Melanoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Mast Cell Tumors. Melanomas and Mast Tumors are often fatal if left untreated. Like humans, though, these cancers can be treated effectively if caught early.

  • Always check your dog's skin for any unusual growths.

  • Visit your veternarian when scheduled and ask questions regarding concerns.

  • Keep your best friend out of the sun when possible.

  • Avoid prolonged heat exposure.

  • Always give him lots of cool water!

Sun Screens and Blocks do work for your dogs! Any Human Sunscreen or Block SPF 15 and over can protect your pet. Here is a link to Pet Sunblock at a Pet Supply Site:

Your Dog is your baby...make sure to protect him, too.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Our Beauty and the Beast

  • The BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS is OUR daughter, CARSON AVERY. The UGLY DUCKLING is MALIGNANT MELANOMA. It's hard to believe they were both growing in my body at the SAME TIME! In fact, other than close friends, family and my doctors, most are surprised to hear about my diagnosis of Malignant Melanoma while pregnant with my now 4 1/2 year old. It has been a secret...primarily due to my FEAR and worries about it spreading to other parts of my body or recurrence.

    The fear began that day in February 2005. I was 7 1/2 months pregnant with Carson when my husband, Kirk, saw an unusual mole on the middle of my back. Of course, I wouldn't have seen it anyway, since I was 100% focused on my ever growing belly...and caught up in the excitements of "soon to be" parenthood. I was choosing crib bedding and nursery colors, and my SKIN was my least concern! I did, however, make that appointment with my dermatologist, Dr. Leena Bhat.
    That particular morning, in her cheerful manner, much to my relief, she announced she was "not a bit worried about the mole". Whew! However, that one was cut out "just to make sure,..and let's take the ugly duckling mole beside it." AND UGLY, it was. I will never forget that terrifying call from Dr. Bhat. "The mole that you were worried about was dysplastic (changing cells) and benign, but I am sorry to say, the ugly one was Malignant Melanoma. "
    According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, MALIGNANT MELANOMA is Deadly:

    Melanoma is the most common cause of cancer in young adults ages 15-29 years old.
    Melanoma is 95-100% curable if caught in the early stages.
    Melanoma is increasing faster than almost any cancer.
    A person's risk for melanoma DOUBLES if he/she has over 5 or more sunburns at any age.
    65% of melanoma can be attributed to UV radiation from the sun.
    One in 50 will be diagnosed with Melanoma.

    More To COME: The birth of our precious baby, our excitement about nearing the 5-YEAR milestone cancer-free and how you can help EDUCATE, DONATE and SUPPORT with CYSO.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Cherish our CHILDREN: The Basics

As a mother of three small children, all under the age of 5 years old, I often struggle with the best way to PROTECT my babies, while still allowing them FUN IN THE SUN! As a recovered SUN WORSHIPPER, I had never incorporated a sunSCREEN into my life, just Johnson's Baby Oil for a day at the beach.... Times have sure changed! Now, I use different Johnson & Johnson products: Neutrogena 70 Sunblock for me, and Aveeno Baby 50 SPF Sunscreen for my little ones.

There are important things to consider when exposing your Children to the harmful aspects of UVA and UVB rays. BabyCenter offers these suggestions for being SAFE IN THE SUN!:

  • Keep babies/children out of direct sunlight from 10a-4p.
  • Dress children in longsleeved shirts, hats, sunglasses, and use umbrellas/tents to shield the UV rays.
  • Use a waterproof "broadspectrum" sunscreen for babies over 6 months, covering both UVA and UVB rays. Make sure not to forget the sensitive lips, nose, and ears!
  • Apply SPF 30 or over at least 30 minutes BEFORE sun exposure.
  • Reapply every 2 HOURS especially after playing in the water or sweating, even though your sunscreen is waterproof.
  • Have fun knowing you are protecting and educating our most PRECIOUS assets, our children.

    A well respected and WISE Texas Dermatologist once told me, "EDUCATION of our children about Sun Safety and Skin Cancer can CHANGE THEIR FUTURE". Her brilliant idea was that EVERY CHILD learn to put on their OWN sunscreen after they brush their teeth each morning, as it is just as VITAL to their overall health and well being. We can shape their paradigms. I will work to do that. Will You?

Tanning Beds a TRICK...not a Treat!

Like many young Americans, I was led to believe through the media that a TAN gave you a HEALTHY GLOW. But with light hair and blue eyes, my fair skin burned and peeled. In college, I remember a close friend with darker skin wearing a t-shirt with pride, "He who dies with the BEST TAN wins!" I was certainly destined to FAIL at LOOKING tan, but ALMOST DIED 20 years later from Malignant Melanoma. But at the time, I found myself trying to GLOW by FAKE BAKING and was a regular at the Tanning Salon.

What a TRICK!
A new analysis of about 20 studies concludes the risk of skin cancer jumps by 75 percent when people start using tanning beds before age 30. Experts also found that all types of ultraviolet radiation caused worrying mutations in mice, proof the radiation is carcinogenic. Previously, only one type of ultraviolet radiation was thought to be lethal. So , it's not too surprising that TANNING BEDS can be LETHAL!Here are some links to the NEWS:


According to the most recent data found on the American Academy of Dermatology website ( and attributed to the American Cancer Society's Facts for 2009:

*More than ONE MILLION cases of Skin Cancer are diagnosed each year in the U.S.
*One in Five Americans will develop Skin Cancer in their lifetime.
*The incidence of Melanoma, the deadliest Skin Cancer, has been steadily increasing for the last 30 years.
*One American dies EVERY HOUR from Malignant Melanoma. In 2009, an estimated 8,650 Americans will die from Melanoma.
*Skin Cancer, if caught in the early stages, is one of the most curable cancers.
*The American Cancer Society recommends a skin cancer-related checkup and counseling about sun exposure as a part of any periodic health exam for men and women beginning at age 20.

Cherish Your Skin Website Launch!

We are excited to announce the Cherish Your Skin Organization website, went LIVE today! The Mission of CYSO is to raise awareness about Skin Cancer and stress Skin Cancer Prevention. We will do so in three important ways: Educate through informational forums and web links, Donate to various Skin Cancer foundations through organizational fundraising efforts, and Support Skin Cancer patients through outreach programs. As a mother, wife, daughter and Skin Cancer Survivor of Malignant Melanoma, I am committed to leading the way in this important fight against Skin Cancer.