Thanks to over 20 Coastal Area Health-related businesses which participated on the Tropical Christmas Weekend.
Over 300 people attended and received important health screenings and information. The event included an American Academy of Dermatology sponsored skin cancer screening by volunteer physicians and nurse practitioners. 

Importantly, 75 people were screened with 5 needing immediate referral for surgery or biopsy. Many thanks to AAD member and volunteer, Dr. Suneel Chilukuri, from Bellaire Dermatology Associates, who drove from Houston in the unexpected icy snow. His dedication to skin cancer awareness and prevention through philanthropic outreach is greatly appreciated. 

We appreciate the following businesses and couldn't have done it without you!:

A special thank you to Liz Welch who coordinated yummy baked good donated by our lovely neighbors at Heron's Roost!
Many thanks to our special friend and Chauffeur, Hill Hooks, who, along with Frosty The Snowman, escorted Mrs. Rockport-Fulton during the Lighted Night Parade in an illuminated Salsa Red VW Bug. Also, thank you to our MC and friend who donated his talents and holiday music at the Health Fair, Bill Dammann, The Ramblin' Man!
We are excited to continue the CYSO and RRC community awareness events in 2010 with our first Health Fair to include emphasis on Diabetes, as well as Skin Cancer. Look for dates to come soon in The Rockport Pilot.
Happy Holidays and Hugs to ALL! You made our efforts worthwhile!