Mrs. Rockport-Fulton had a great day visiting with the fun people at Coastal Bend Adult Daycare in Fulton. The Coastal Bend Adult Daycare is committed to providing the highest possible quality of care for their clients. Joanna Sain, R.N. is the cheerful director and her team's mission is to keep their clients enthusiastic, busy and active in order to maintain or improve their level of functioning.

Our community is made richer by the kind people at the Coastal Bend Adult Daycare!
A qualified nursing staff assists clients with their medications, as well as monitoring blood pressure and blood sugar. Hot, nutritious meals and snacks are part of their services. An activity director coordinates fun outings as well as music, arts & crafts, bingo, movies and dances.

The Valentine's Day party was complete with goodies generously donated by the Guerras at Rockport Bakery. Jenifer shared information about skin cancer prevention with sunscreen samples, while also going over important ABCDs of malignant melanoma.
Our community is made richer by the kind people at the Coastal Bend Adult Daycare!