Thursday, March 4, 2010

FDA to discuss stricter guidelines about Tanning Beds due to Skin Cancer

On March 25, 2010, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will meet to discuss the possible reclassification of UV-emitting tanning beds and lamps. Currently, tanning beds and lamps are Class I medical devices, putting them in the same category as elastic bandages and tongue depressors. But UV radiation from tanning machines is a proven human carcinogen (cancer-causing agent), and the chief cause of skin cancer. Reclassification by the FDA would permit more oversight and stringent regulation.
As a survivor of Malignant Melanoma who spent many years in tanning beds, I have joined the Skin Cancer Foundation in this important fight against tanning beds. I was told by the tanning bed salons that laying in the bed would provide a "safer" tan since I would "not be exposed to the dangerous rays". I was encouraged to get my daily "fix" over many years, because tanned bodies look healthier, right?
On Monday, I submitted my personal experience to the FDA and am hopeful I will be chosen to speak on the dangers of tanning beds in front of the panel at the end of the month.
You can also help in this fight by signing an important petition to the FDA at the following site:

Thank you for your efforts on getting tanning beds reclassified by the FDA.

Source: The Skin Cancer Foundation