Over 50 senate and house offices were represented at the meeting with an overall attendance over 100. In addition to the event, several members scheduled meetings with the health legislative assistants in the Senate and House offices.
The three speakers and co-chairs drove home the messages that skin cancer in the U.S. is rapidly growing while federal funding is decreasing. Marcelle Leahy, wife of Senator Patrick Leahy from Vermont, provided an emotional overview of her battle with melanoma. Darrell Rigel, M.D., a Clinical Professor of Dermatology at New York University Medical Center and a skin cancer expert and researcher in problems related to ultraviolet exposure to the skin, provided an overview of skin cancer and melanoma and the foremost research.
Michelle Charlesworth, ABC news anchor and reporter in New York, shared her inspiring and informative personal skin cancer experience. Her story educated Congressional staffers about the consequences and impact of basal cell carcinoma – an issue that often does not get as much attention as cancers with a higher mortality rate.
Today is the DAY! The FDA will hear the facts about tanning beds and skin cancer. We will ask them to immediately reclassify for the purpose of protecting the American public.
Stay tuned to you national news today as this will likely receive much press!

Stay tuned to you national news today as this will likely receive much press!