Kuykendall is the current Mrs.
Rockport-Fulton International 2010 and she knows sunscreen is a MUST when fishing. Together with their three children, Jenifer and her husband Kirk enjoy
bayfishing for tailing reds, trout and flounder in and around the
Aransas National Wildlife Refuge and the
Rockport Bay Systems.

And the
Kuykendalls always wear
SmartShield Serious Sun Protection.

Jenifer also knows all too well that prolonged exposure to the UV rays can result in Skin Cancer. As a 5-year survivor of Malignant Melanoma, Jenifer is making a difference with her non-profit organization, Cherish Your Skin. She understands that education equals prevention and that early detection is a key part to surviving Skin Cancer. Jenifer's goal as Mrs. Texas International 2010 will be to heighten awareness about Skin Cancer and stress the importance of Skin Cancer Prevention.

Opportunities abound throughout our great state of Texas to change paradigms and save lives. Cherish Your Skin Organization's mission, projects and platform will accomplish this, with vital partnerships with The Skin Cancer Foundation and MD Anderson Cancer Center. Her educational outreach includes health fairs and skin cancer screenings with presentations to children, parents and teachers in our school system. Sunscreen distribution along with readings of her early education book, Cherish Your Skin, make a difference in the lives she touches.

Jenifer will compete for the Mrs. Texas International crown and title at the end of March 2010.
The Mrs. Texas International System celebrates women who want to excel in their lives while making a difference in their communities.For more information about Jenifer and Cherish Your Skin Organization, visit:www.cherishyourskin.org.
Go Catch the Crown, Jenifer!!! (With your
SmartShield Serious Sun Protection ON!)